Tag Archives: mysql

Heraklion chamber of commerce and industry

The purpose of Heraklion Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to protect and help the growth of commerce, industry, crafts and exports, of the professions within the national economy’s interests framework.

I was a member of the team that designed and implemented the on-line portal for Chamber and the services it offers to its employees, members and citizens.

Some of the most important services we implemented in this project include: a) connection with the main database of firms of the chamber, b) intranet applications that facilitate the creation of a common space for the presentation of internal  tasks and activities, c) applications for notification services (sms, msn, fax), d ) and a Content Management System based on Liferay portal.

My responsibilities in this project include among others:

  • Interviewing personnel to define requirements
  • Setting up the Liferay installation
  • Design on the structure that host the content and services
  • Implement intranet services
  • Implement the Liferay theme from the template of the graphic designer

